
Religious/Bible readings

I have of several popular readings available but you may of course provide your own.

Readings can be included as one of the 3 add-ons package.



I have a list of religious and non religious sayings and blessings you can use or provide your own favorites.

Blessings can be included as one of the 3 add-ons package.


Music/songs during ceremony

I do not provide music. You can provide your own favorites and bring a small personal bluetooth speaker to play from a phone or other device. The volume level should be low enough for a 10 foot radius. I would be glad to make suggestions for songs if you need help.

Use of an amplified speaker system or car sound system on the beach requires a permit from the City of Galveston.


Personal Anecdotes

These are personal stories about the couple, maybe a funny or touching story about how they met or something that has happened during their journey to this day. They can be read by family and friends or by the Officiant.

Anecdotes can be included as one of the 3 add-ons package.

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